And even if you *could* magically uncover 8 extra hours to knock out that to-do list… where would you even start?!?

You’ve got the vision, but who’s got the time? 



In just one day you could have one of the following:

Need brand assets or something else you don't see? Just contact me for more information!

let's do this!

Turn your latest shower thought into a sold-out offer with a sales page designed to emphasize your expertise and sell your just one productive day.

Sales Page Design

Launch that new shiny template in record time without the hassle of DIY! I'll take it off your hands and deliver a polished, ready to launch site by the end of the day!

Template Customization

A mini brand and brand guide to help you kick off your new business or finally get a professional design. Perfect for those that don't need a lot of assets.


I need this!

 It's the perfect solution for fast-paced entrepreneurs who value time as much as quality.

You have a clear vision: You know what you want but need help bringing it to life quickly and effectively.

You value time! You're looking for rapid transformation without the long wait times typical in traditional design projects.

You're ready to take action: You're prepared to make decisions and provide feedback promptly to keep the project moving smoothly!

You prefer personalized attention - You appreciate having a day dedicated entirely to your project, ensuring focused and detailed work.

Imagine waking up with a to-do list and going to bed with a 'done' list. That's the power of our VIP Design Day. Tailored for go-getters and action-takers, we turn your ambitious plans into tangible results in just one day.

A VIP Day is for you if:

Ziglar Realty

Heather Prichard

co-host + media mogul

Natalie Cargile

D-Commerce academy

Christina Scalera

D-Commerce academy

Christina Scalera

We were able to quickly get our new sales page up and selling and it's brought in thousands already this year-- a lot more than sitting and waiting for something to happen, that's for sure!

co-Host + Media mogul

Natalie Cargile

Girl you are amazing! I am blown away. I cannot express enough how fantastic everything is. I’m OBSESSED with my brand for the first time ever!

ziglar Realty

Heather Prichard

She always has a vision for what I’m wanting, She is creative, professional, patient, quick, and communicates with me on all projects until it’s completed. Christy has a serving spirit that makes her so amazing to work with.


book my day!

FYI, “done in a day” does NOT mean “cutting corners.” Far from it! VIP Design Days are your strategic ally, transforming "to-do" into "done" with unparalleled quality, zero runarounds, and a focus that’s all about you.

Done in a day, so you can quickly turn that 'someday' project into today's success story.

YAY! You've submitted all of your assets and your VIP Day is here. I'll start my day, with a cup of coffee and your project. Eight hours will be focused on you and your business.

Step Three

Within 1-2 business days you'll receive an email detailing everything I need for your specific project. Your assets are due four business days before your VIP Day.

Step Two

Pay your deposit and get your VIP Day on the books with me! Then, I'll send over the  your next steps and what all I need from you.

Step One

Here's how a VIP Day with me works:

let's book it now!

For an entire day, we focus solely on your project - whether it's a mini-brand, a template customization, a sales page design, or creating brand assets -whatever we've discussed prior.

No distractions, no juggling multiple clients, just undivided attention on bringing your vision to life.

It’s a day entirely dedicated to your business’s leap forward.

a day dedicated to your business vision!

Your VIP Day is like having a magic wand for your business.

I'm the CEO of Coyote Haus and Head Designer. In my 13+ years of being an entrepreneur, I’ve seen it all! This, plus having my cowgirl boots on the ground in countless businesses, has taught me exactly what it takes to design with strategy and focus!

When I say I’m passionate about helping women craft brands and build offers that sell like crazy, I’m not just talking about your everyday passion—it's my purpose! That’s exactly why I built this VIP Day–to take my love for helping female entrepreneurs and design and get the job done (like, now!).

Getting your design created shouldn't be difficult and now, with our VIP doesn't have to be! 

By the way, I'm Christy Jo

A Southern girl with a Texas-sized love for helping you harness your expertise and use it to make money, honey.

Payment options available in the cart!

Only $2000

i need a vip day!

With our VIP Day Service, your project leaps from concept to completion in a single day. Experience the thrill of rapid, high-quality transformation that aligns perfectly with your vision. 

Transform Your Vision into Reality in Just One Day with our VIP Design Day.

Have a

Have a Question?

If you've got more questions contact me here.

Prior to your VIP Day, we will cover everything that you need based on your exact project. This differs on whether we're creating your brand, sales page, or template customization. We'll be sure, prior to booking that you feel you have enough time to get all of your assets to me by the due date and prior to starting your project, so there are no delays!

I design in Showit, which is a user-friendly, drag-and-drop website builder that’s easy for my clients to maintain on their own after their sales page has launched. If you don't have a Showit account, you will need one prior to us getting started on your website or template but, I can help with that prior to your VIP Day!

Following your VIP Day, you will have 24 hours for revisions and tweaks. During this time, I will transfer the design over to your Showit account and provide you with all the resources you need to launch. If we are working on your brand I'll have checked in through the day and you'll know what all I'm creating throughout the day and have your assets that evening. You're always welcome to contact me if you have issues, I promise to never leave you hanging.

Most likely! If you have a website customization, sales page design, or otherwise you should have your site completed that day. Occasionally there are some SEO items I finish completing the next day but your project will be completed. If you are getting a mini brand, you should have all of your assets that evening. Of course if there are any issues (internet outages, etc we will make sure you're taken care of asap).